Filipino food

Sinigang is one of the Best Dishes in the World of 2023, according to Taste Atlas

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Sinigang is one of the Best Dishes in the World of 2023, according to Taste Atlas


The native soup dish bests Poland’s Zurek, France’s Steak Au Poivre, and Vietnam’s Pho Bo

MANILA, Philippines – Another win for the sini-gang! The Philippines’ famous sour soup has been recognized as one of the Best Dishes in the World for 2023 by international food database Taste Atlas, ranking in 97th place with 4.48 out of 5 stars.

The popular meat or seafood-based soup known for its distinctively sour flavor from the typically used sampalok (tamarind) fruit bested Poland’s Zurek, France’s Steak Au Poivre, and Vietnam’s Pho Bo.

According to Taste Atlas, the dish’s main ulam or meat is pork: the best-rated sinigang na baboy. Different recipes also use beef, chicken, milkfish, salmon, or shrimp. 

To increase its flavor and nutritional value, Filipinos also add a wide variety of vegetables including but not limited to water spinach (kangkong), sili peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, onions, and string beans. Served piping hot, sinigang is known to bring comfort and warmth to Filipinos within and outside the Philippines.

“With its sour lightness perfectly matching the harsh tropical heat of the country, sinigang is a unique soup that is a true representative of Filipino cuisine,” Taste Atlas wrote.

Taste Atlas also noted the evolution of sinigang, with other sour fruits like guava, kamias, or green mango being used aside from sampalok.

According to users and reviewers on Taste Atlas, the “best sinigang” can be found at Manam, Locavore, and The Aristocrat. 

Sinigang is no stranger to global accolades – it has also been recognized as one of the best soups in the world for 2023. Sinigang won big as it was declared the best soup of 2021 on Taste Atlas, winning over 10,000 culinary delights across the globe.

Recently, Filipino cuisine was also hailed among the 100 Best Cuisines in the World. –

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