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Starbucks offers surprise ‘Lucky Bags’ with assorted mugs, tumblers inside

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Starbucks offers surprise ‘Lucky Bags’ with assorted mugs, tumblers inside
Each Lucky Bag is pre-packed with P3,000 worth of Starbucks merch!

Starbucks Philippines launched its newest in-store promo called “Lucky Bags,” where customers are treated to a pre-selected assortment of Starbucks merch for P1,500 a bag.

What’s in the bag? Each sealed Lucky Bag is a surprise on its own, packed with 2 to 4 assorted Starbucks mugs and/or tumblers worth an estimated P3,000.

Store partners will random select the bag themselves. Customers can only check what’s inside the bag after purchasing it and cannot have it replaced with another bag due to preference. You can, however, buy as many bags as you want.

Starbucks’ latest gimmick is available via dine-in, take-out, and drive-thru transactions in all Starbucks branches nationwide from October 1 to October 31, 2020. –

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