coffee drinks

LOOK: Starbucks PH introduces new salted caramel drinks

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LOOK: Starbucks PH introduces new salted caramel drinks

NEW DRINKS. The new caramel drinks will be available for a limited time.

Image courtesy of Starbucks Philippines

Beginning February 23, Starbucks Philippines introduced 2 new caramel drinks to their lineup

Starbucks Philippines announced its lineup of new drinks that’ll be available beginning February 23.

The Caramel Cloud Macchiato is the coffee chain’s “creamiest, fluffiest and foamiest macchiato” and has whipped milk foam, signature espresso and vanilla syrup and caramel sauce. The drink is available hot or iced and begins at P185 for the tall-sized drink.

Also beginning February 23, Starbucks Philippines will release the Salted Caramel Cold Brew, a salty-sweet take on the coffee chain’s usual cold brew. The drink is made of the cold brew with a salted caramel cold foam and caramel drizzle and starts at P180 for the tall-sized drink.

The two drinks will be available in-store and via GrabFood for a limited time. –

Order the new Starbucks drink with this GrabFood promo code. 

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