Sephora unveils PH website

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Sephora unveils PH website
Exciting news for makeup fans!

MANILA, Philippines – Sephora in the Philippines? Yes – online., is now live, and was newly launched Monday afternoon, February 1. 

Sephora is the beloved beauty megastore which carries a whole variety of popular makeup brands, including Urban Decay, Bare Minerals, Eyeko, DuWop, and their own Sephora Collection. 

Not all of these brands are currently available on the website yet. According to their social media posts, they’ll be working to launch more brands to add to their roster of what’s currently available in the Philippines in the coming weeks. 

There are Sephora locations all over the world, but this is the first time it’s catering to Filipino fans via the new website.

There has not yet been any announcement about plans for a brick-and-mortar store in the Philippines just yet.


Check out the post below from their verified Instagram account: 


For interested fans, is currently offering free delivery with orders greater than P1300. 

Are you excited to take a look at all the new goodies? Which ones are you eyeing? Let us know in the comments below. –


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