fashion shows

Pharrell Williams kicks off Paris Fashion Week with Louis Vuitton show at UNESCO


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Pharrell Williams kicks off Paris Fashion Week with Louis Vuitton show at UNESCO

Musician Pharrell Williams attends his Menswear ready-to-wear Spring/Summer 2025 collection show for fashion house Louis Vuitton, during Men's Fashion Week in Paris, France June 18, 2024.

REUTERS/Johanna Geron

Models strode down the grass catwalk in crisply-tailored suits, slick bomber jackets and fur coats

LONDON, United Kingdom – Louis Vuitton men’s creative director Pharrell Williams took to an outdoor, turf-lined runway at UNESCO headquarters on Tuesday, June 18, opening Paris Fashion week with an evening show.

The world’s biggest fashion label, known for its checked damier patterns and monogrammed trunks, drew on a travel theme for the spring summer 2025 men’s collection, with a towering globe sculpture, rows of international flags and – in the distance – the Eiffel Tower as a backdrop.

Paris Fashion Week 2024
A model presents a creation designed by musician Pharrell Williams for fashion house Louis Vuitton as part of his Menswear ready-to-wear Spring/Summer 2025 collection show, during Men’s Fashion Week in Paris, France June 18, 2024.

Models strode down the grass catwalk in crisply-tailored suits, slick bomber jackets and fur coats, with rhinestone-encrusted sunglasses and chunky, airplane-wing brooches, while an orchestra and choir performed music produced by Williams.

The LVMH-owned label drew an audience of 1,500, as well as screaming crowds on the street outside, angling to catch arrivals of celebrity guests, who included NBA basketball player Victor Wembanyama, actor Michael Fassbender and K-pop star Jackson Wang.

The Paris men’s fashion shows, which will be followed by Haute Couture week, come as France gears up for the summer Olympics, as well as two rounds of elections in the coming weeks, which have thrown the country into political disarray.

Globally, high end labels face waning appetite for fashion and accessories, with the key Chinese market a particular source of concern. –

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