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Uniqlo to bring AIRism mask to the Philippines

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Uniqlo to bring AIRism mask to the Philippines
The mask is made from Uniqlo's signature AIRism cooling fabric, and also provides UV protection

Even in the so-called new normal, you can be decked out in head-to-toe Uniqlo. The Japanese fast fashion brand is launching their popular AIRism mask in their Philippine stores, including its online store.

The mask is made from Uniqlo’s signature AIRism cooling fabric that releases heat and absorbs sweat.

It cannot replace medical grade masks – but it does promise comfort and breathability with 3 layers of protection, including a center layer that uses a filter to protect from bacteria and droplets.

The mask also provides protection from UV rays, with a UPF 50+ rating.

It comes in three sizes: Small (for kids), and Medium and Large (for adults), and is machine washable, so you can keep reusing and lessen waste.

The masks were first launched in Uniqlo Japan, and will be available in the Philippines soon.

We’ll update this page as soon as we get more release and pricing details. –

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