Philippine tourism

Marga Nograles brings passion for promoting PH to Tourism Promotions Board

Jannelle So Productions

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Marga Nograles brings passion for promoting PH to Tourism Promotions Board
Marga Nograles takes a leap from promoting Philippine culture in the private sector to the government

This story is published in partnership with SoJannelleTV, a magazine show about Filipinos in North America

Long before Marga Nograles became an appointee to the Tourism Promotions Board (TPB), she had a passion for promoting the Philippines.

During her decorated career in the private sector, she found ways to promote the country’s culture through Kaayo Modern Mindanao, a clothing and accessories brand which partnered with indigenous peoples in Mindanao to market their products. Now in the public sector, Nograles finds ways to promote the country – albeit on a much bigger scale. Despite how natural a transition to the position of chief operating officer of this government owned and controlled company, the decision to accept wasn’t automatic.

“I would have never thought that I would find myself here in this position,” admitted Nograles in a conversation with Filipino-American media pioneer Jannelle So Perkins for So Jannelle TV, which airs US-wide on cable channels The Filipino Channel (TFC) and ANC; as well as on local Southern CA digital channel KNET 25.1; and is also available on social media platforms.

Marga Nograles brings passion for promoting PH to Tourism Promotions Board

Though her husband, former Cabinet secretary of the Duterte administration and current chairperson of the Civil Service Commission Karlo Nograles, had much experience in politics, she wasn’t so sure about whether she should take that road as well. When Tourism Secretary Christina Garcia Frasco offered her the position, it was he who gave her the perspective that she needed to make her mind up.

“I remember him saying if you are gonna do this anyway ever, I think the best time is now and the best time is with Secretary Christina because we really believe in her work and her passion and what she really wants to do for country. So I am here now to serve,” said Nograles, who was in Los Angeles recently on an official trip. 

Travel has long been a major part of Nograles’ life, ever since she was five years old, taking her first trip to Los Angeles, when she was overcome by the excitement of meeting Mickey Mouse in person. This isn’t even her first time crossing paths with the Department of Tourism, having worked as a local hire in New York for eight months in her first job after finishing college.

Marga Nograles brings passion for promoting PH to Tourism Promotions Board

She explained that her agency, which has been in existence nearly five decades, is the marketing arm of the Department of Tourism, and as its head since last October, has upheld its mandate to support the DOT’s programs, policies, and products.

TPB also has its own projects. One of its standard tools is ensuring Philippine tourism is represented at major travel fairs, including ITB Berlin, which is the world’s largest travel fair, plus the World Travel Market in London. There is also MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions), which promotes the country for business tourism.

One of her favorite programs, community-based tourism, is something close to her heart. In essence, the program follows a similar path to her work with Kaayo, promoting the country by boosting up its indigenous people as tourism draws, which in turn provides those communities with opportunities to earn a living.

Among the indigenous tribes which benefited from this program was the T’boli tribe, which resides on Lake Sebu in South Cotabato. Nograles sat down with members of the community to ask them how her agency could assist their business needs. She says they wanted to learn marketing, plus branding and packaging for the goods they created and sold. The TPB brought trainers to the community to teach these skills, including fashion designers, media, and brand builders to mentor the entrepreneurs.

“I remember we sat down and the head of the tribe came up and he said, ‘Welcome to the land of the dream weavers.’ My hair stood because I felt like the soil I was stepping on is really the land of the dream weavers. They say the T’boli indigenous tribe, their embroidery, their beading, their weaving techniques come to them in their dreams,” said Nograles.

Less than a year into her service with TPB, Nograles feels she is fitting into her position, and feeling fulfilled by her advocacy.

“There’s so much to see and do and experience in the Philippines. We have over 7,000 islands so the possibilities are endless. We are now the world’s leading dive destination and we are the world’s leading beach destination,” said Nograles. “But over and above that we are now enhancing our communities. So what we want to do is give that unique Philippine experience to every traveler that comes and visits our country.” – Jannelle So Productions |

Rappler is partnering with Jannelle So Productions Inc (JSP), founded by Filipino-American pioneer and Los Angeles-based journalist Jannelle So, to publish video and written stories from SoJannelleTV about the journeys, successes, and challenges of Filipinos living in America.

Check out So Jannelle TV daily for stories that make you pause, reflect, and appreciate who we are and what we are as a people. 

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