
Flying solo? Here are the top 3 destinations of single Filipino travelers, according to the data


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Flying solo? Here are the top 3 destinations of single Filipino travelers, according to the data


Apparently, solo Pinoy travelers love to visit Singapore!

MANILA, Philippines – Can you guess where solo Filipino travelers love to travel the most? Singapore, Bangkok, and Tokyo respectively are hailed as the most popular destinations of Filipinos, according to data collected by digital travel platform Agoda from mid-April to mid-October 2023.

The mentioned cities are no-brainers for Filipino travelers, due to the budget-friendly prices as well as their proximity to the Philippines. The most popular destinations for solo travelers around Asia were determined by checking in on weekends and across a wide range of hotel stays. Around Asia Pacific, the top three consists of Tokyo, Japan in first, Bangkok, Thailand in second, and Seoul, South Korea in third. For Filipinos, Singapore comes first!

Here are some more reasons why you should consider planning a solo trip to the following destinations.


First place goes to “instant Asia,” Singapore, the small city-state packed with big and beautiful things tailored to the wants and needs of Filipino solo travelers. The Lion City stays true to its “concrete jungle” title by combining state-of-the-art modern architecture with lush greeneries. This is best seen in key tourist spots Marina Bay Sands, Gardens by the Bay, and the Jewel Changi Airport — all within close proximity of one another, satisfying the inner shopaholics of Filipinos.

Singapore is also a paradise for foodies looking to experience cultural diversity at every bite. Filipino travelers can taste familiarity through Asian cuisine but also explore new dishes and flavors native to Singapore. Hawker centers let solo travelers go on a culinary adventure while leaving enough of their budget for shopping and other activities. To end the night, travelers can make their way to the vibrant riverside scene of Boat Quay, a perfect way to meet new people and experience nightlife nearby at world-renowned clubs like Zouk.

Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok, a destination often seen as one of the world’s most accessible for solo travelers, unsurprisingly lands second place for Filipino solo travelers. The capital of Thailand is a budget-friendly paradise that can best be explored in the daytime. Pay a trip to the Grand Palace, shop at the famous Chatuchak weekend market, and take your Instagrammable pics at the artsy alleys of Chinatown.

Moreover, Filipino solo travelers won’t feel too much of a culture shock in their neighboring Southeast Asian city. They can go home with a new friend made on their journey because of the hostel-packed Kao San Road, the ideal resting spot for backpackers all around the globe. Between the friendly locals and abundance of solo travelers across the city, Bangkok’s people prove to be as warm as their city’s weather.

Tokyo, Japan

At third place is the capital city of The Land of the Rising Sun. Tokyo is at the sweet spot between tradition and technology, allowing for unique travel experiences to occur at the intersections of both. For the tech-savvy but spiritual Filipino traveler, this is a perfect balance.

Hop across street life or reflect at historical landmarks with a “me, myself, and I” mindset safely. Tokyo’s wide array of capsule hotels and restaurants with individual cubicles serve as testament to the ideals of solo travelers finding themselves in the cosmopolitan city. 

Cross the posh streets of Shibuya, geek out for hours at arcade halls, or try new local street food without worries in Tokyo — a city with something for every solo traveler. – Ally de Leon/Rappler.com

Ally de Leon is a Rappler intern.

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