Hunger in the Philippines

What are the top 20 food products consumed by Filipinos?

Jodesz Gavilan

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What are the top 20 food products consumed by Filipinos?
The latest Food Consumption Survey reveals that among the top 5 are rice, salt, cooking oil, coffee, and sugar

The most common consumed types of food in the Philippines have not changed in the past years, the Food Consumption Survey (FCS) of the Food and Nutrition Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), has found.

The only thing that’s changed is their ranking.

However, rice – considering the country’s agricultural landscape – still remains the Filipino households’ staple food. (READ: The problem with unlimited rice) Vegetables do not figure in the top 10 food preferences of Filipinos.

The FCS, a component of the National Nutrition Survey (NNS) done every 5 years, also found out:

Urban vs rural

Residents of urban areas are the top consumers of food in general. Specifically, they have a higher intake of fats and oils, meats, poultry, milk, eggs, and fruits.

Meanwhile, rural settlers consume more cereals, starchy roots and tubers, fish, and vegetables compared to those living in cities and other highly urbanized communities.

This is understandable as the sources of these food products are more accessible – and very much cheaper too – compared to the city. (READ: How can government lower food prices in the Philippines?)

In addition, residents in rural areas are most likely to use even their own backyards, converting them into small vegetable gardens. (READ: The status of PH Agriculture)

This convenience, however, may be cut short if the urbanization of several agricultural areas – seen as a hindrance to achieving maximum productivity and potential of these lands – is not properly addressed.

Food wastage

The FCS also found that the number of Filipino households that do not achieve the required daily energy intake has increased through the years. (READ: More Filipinos eat less – survey)

However, data reveal that 14 grams of rice, corn, and other products are continually wasted by families daily. The bigger picture paints a disturbing reality as each Filipino wastes an average of 3.29 kg a year.

In fact, the loss amounted to P7.3 billion due to rice wastage, and more than two million people could have been fed by the rice wastage. (READ: How much do farmers lose?)

FNRI’s Pinggang Pinoy can then be used to properly guide families on the right type and amount of food to be consumed in each meal to avoid such food wastage. –

Do you know that you can do your grocery shopping online? And it’s much more convenient! Click here if you want to know how you can save up on your food and grocery items when shopping online.

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Jodesz Gavilan

Jodesz Gavilan is a writer and researcher for Rappler and its investigative arm, Newsbreak. She covers human rights and impunity beats, producing in-depth and investigative reports particularly on the quest for justice of victims of former president Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs and war on dissent.