Vice mayor of Cauayan City, Isabela dies

Raymon Dullana

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Vice mayor of Cauayan City, Isabela dies
Cauayan City, Isabela Vice Mayor Bartolome Mallillin passes away after battling liver cirrhosis

CAGAYAN, Philippines – The late Cauayan City, Isabela Vice Mayor Bartolome Mallillin is set to be laid to rest on Friday, March 19, at the Cauayan Memorial Garden.

Mallillin, also a retired general of the Philippine National Police (PNP), died at the Isabela United Doctors Medical Center last Friday, March 11, due to multiple internal organ failure. He was 74.

Earlier this year, doctors at St Luke’s Medical Center in Manila had said that the vice mayor had reached the end stage of liver cirrhosis. 

Mallillin had been serving his third and last term as vice mayor and will be succeeded by top councilor Edgar De Luna.

In 2013, Mallillin served as mayor of Cauayan City for 3 months following the death of the late mayor Benjamin Dy. 

During his term, he initiated peace and order regulations and launched environmental protection programs.

The vice mayor is survived by his children, Allan Carlo Mallillin and Mariennette Mallillin-Coloma.

His wake at the Hotel Allabama in Cauayan City is open to the public. –

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