Critically injured police general Jovic Ramos ‘still fighting,’ says PNP

Rambo Talabong

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Critically injured police general Jovic Ramos ‘still fighting,’ says PNP

'Police Major General Ramos was successfully resuscitated,' says Major General Benigno Durana Jr, the acting spokesman of the PNP

MANILA, Philippines – Key Philippine National Police official Major General Jovic Ramos, who was critically injured in a helicopter crash earlier this week, was successfully resuscitated and was “still fighting” in intensive care, the PNP said on Saturday, March 7.

Major General Benigno Durana Jr, the acting spokesman of the PNP, issued the statement to dispel some reports that Ramos – the PNP’s Director for Comptrollership – died that day.

“Police Major General Ramos was successfully resuscitated. And still fighting,” Durana said in a text message to Rappler on Saturday afternoon.

Ramos is one of the two generals in critical condition after figuring in the Thursday copper crash in San Pedro, Laguna. The other is  Director for Intelligence Major General Mariel Magaway.

The chopper also carried PNP chief General Archie GamboaPNP Spokesman Brigadier General Bernard Banac, Gamboa’s aide-de-camp Captain Kevin Gayramara, pilot Lieutenant Colonel Ruel Zalatar, co-pilot Lieutenant Colonel Rico Makawili, and Master Sergeant Louie Estona, who all sustained minor injuries. –

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Rambo Talabong

Rambo Talabong covers the House of Representatives and local governments for Rappler. Prior to this, he covered security and crime. He was named Jaime V. Ongpin Fellow in 2019 for his reporting on President Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs. In 2021, he was selected as a journalism fellow by the Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics.