Zambo City’s Bureau of Quarantine chief allegedly shuns neighboring Dapitan’s quarantine rules

Gualberto Laput

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Zambo City’s Bureau of Quarantine chief allegedly shuns neighboring Dapitan’s quarantine rules
Zamboanga del Norte is among the handful of provinces in the country that has zero coronavirus cases

DAPITAN CITY, Philippines – Dapitan City Mayor Rosalina Jalosjos was furious over what she described as arrogant and total disregard of the city’s quarantine procedure by the head of the Bureau of Quarantine’s (BOQ) Provincial Station in Zamboanga City.

Jalosjos said she received an urgent report from her field personnel on Friday, May 1, that an official of BOQ identified as Dr Omar Aranan refused to get off his car at a quarantine checkpoint upon entering Dapitan.

Aranan was reportedly leading two BOQ personnel and 8 Bureau of Customs staff in 3 cars from Zamboanga City.

“When asked to get off the car for temperature check and other quarantine procedure, (Aranan) refused and said he is a high official of the government,” Jalosjos said.

It was later learned that Aranan and 10 companions were supposed to be inspecting oil shipment at the Port of Roxas (39 kilometers west of Dapitan, Zamboanga del Norte), but went to Dapitan when their target ship did not arrive. The group proceeded to Dakak Beach Resort.

Jalosjos ordered the police and local Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) on COVID 19 to go after Aranan and company in Dakak, tell them to follow Dapitan’s quarantine procedures and put them in a 15-day quarantine.

According to Emmanuel Taghoy, manager of the Provincial Office of the Philippine Information Agency, Zamboanga City’s confirmed COVID 19 cases soared to 59 as of Saturday, May 2 with 29 new positive results.

Zamboanga del Norte, meanwhile, is among the handful of provinces in the country that has zero coronavirus cases.

Dr Rolito Cataluña of Dapitan IATF said that Aranan and company were eventually allowed to stay overnight at Dakak after showing a mission order from their national head offices. They were given strict instructions not to mingle with the locals.

Officials also said that Aranan and company did not coordinate with them.

On Saturday, Aranan and two BOQ personnel were escorted by local police out of Dapitan and on Sunday, May 3, the 8 other customs personnel were also escorted out of the city.

Jalosjos said she would bring Aranan’s “utter disregard of Dapitan’s quarantine procedure” to IATF’s national officials.

Rappler is still trying to get Aranan’s side. –




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