La Trinidad vegetable trading post on lockdown after trucker, helpers positive for COVID-19

Frank Cimatu

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La Trinidad vegetable trading post on lockdown after trucker, helpers positive for COVID-19
La Trinidad Mayor Romeo Salda says new guidelines are needed 'to counter the vulnerability' of the site to 'contagion' after a vegetable trucker and two truck helpers tested positive for COVID-19

BAGUIO CITY, Philippines – La Trinidad Mayor Romeo Salda has ordered a 3-day-day lockdown on the La Trinidad Vegetable Trading Post (LTVTP)  after 3 new COVID-19 cases confirmed his week had been traced to the distribution of highland vegetables here. 

Salda said that the lockdown is imminent as the trading post has become a “tinderbox of COVID infection.” 

“There arises the need to issue a 3-day lockdown to effectively conduct further contact tracing and disinfection and to allow for time to study the new guidelines to counter the vulnerability of the LTVTP site to contagion,” the executive order signed by Salda said.

Last June 8, a 44-year-old vegetable trucker from Poblacion, Tuba, tested positive. As typical of most truckers, the man traveled to Cubao in Quezon City, Plaridel in Bulacan, and La Trinidad and Tuba in Benguet. 

He is now at the Benguet General Hospital and is in stable condition. 

On Wednesday, June 10, a 22-year-old truck helper from Botiwtiw, Balili in La Trinidad also tested positive. 

The Botiwtiw man also went to Quezon City. Botiwtiw is now on lockdown, Salda said.

On June 11, another truck helper, a 28-year-old man from Little Kibungan in Puguis, also in La Trinidad, tested positive.

The two are said to be associates of the truck driver from Tuba. –

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