2022 Philippine Elections

One of Iloilo City’s oldest universities endorses Robredo for president

Joseph B.A. Marzan

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One of Iloilo City’s oldest universities endorses Robredo for president

HIGH STAKES. The Board of Trustees of the Central Philippine University in Jaro, Iloilo City, has endorsed Vice President Leni Robredo for the presidency, saying they cannot remain silent in critical times.


The Board of Trustees of the Central Philippine University (CPU) says the country needs a leader with 'unquestionable honesty and integrity' and 'a proven track-record of competence'

ILOILO CITY, Philippines—Central Philippine University (CPU), one of the oldest universities in this city, has endorsed Vice President Leni Robredo in the 2022 presidential elections, Iloilo City Mayor Jerry Treñas announced on Monday, April 4.

University president Teodoro Robles, board of trustees chairperson Peter Irving Corvera, CPU Republic (student council) president Gabriel Bondoc, and the other 14 members of the board signed the endorsement on March 17, a copy of the statement showed.

The CPU Board of Trustees’ statement said Robredo “best manifested” the university’s espoused values of “Faith, Character, Justice, Stewardship, and Excellence.” 

Their statement also listed the traits of an ideal president:  “unquestionable honesty and integrity, free of corruption, with a proven track-record of competence, authenticity, and transparency; and who will be a model and inspiration to our citizens, particularly [the] youth.”

Pro-Isko Visayas group shifts support to Robredo

Pro-Isko Visayas group shifts support to Robredo

“We can not remain silent in these critical times… the future of our country, and that of the next generation, will be greatly determined by our national leadership, particularly our choice of the President of our Republic,” the Board of Trustees said.

“Nalipay guid ako nga nagdeklara ang Board of Trustees Office of Central Philippine University – CPU, Inc. sang ila pagsuporta kay VP Leni Robredo bilang masunod nga presidente sang Pilipinas,” the mayor said in his statement.

(I am happy that the Central Philippine University declared their support for VP Leni Robredo as the next president of the Philippines.)

American Baptist missionaries established CPU in 1905 as the Jaro Industrial School, an elementary vocational school for boys.

It is one of Western Visayas’ top performing schools, garnering 85.71% in the November 2021 Nursing Licensure Exam, and 51.43% in the March 2022 Physician Licensure Exams. – Rappler.com

Joseph B.A. Marzan is a Visayas-based journalist and is a recipient of the Aries Rufo Journalism Fellowship.

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