overseas Filipinos

Returning OFWs need to have vaccination cards validated – DOLE

Aika Rey

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Returning OFWs need to have vaccination cards validated – DOLE

VACCINATED. The government repatriated hundreds of distressed overseas Filipinos from Saudi Arabia on June 25, 2021.


OFWs can apply for validation online

The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) said that fully vaccinated overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) will have to undergo validation if inoculated outside the Philippines.

In a statement on Tuesday, July 6, Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III said that OFWs must have their proof of vaccination validated through the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) in their host country.

Bello also said that returning OFWs must also present to the POLOs their valid passport or travel document and verified employment contract.

Application for validation must be done online, according to DOLE.

Fully vaccinated individuals are those who are at least two weeks past having received a one-dose vaccine or the second dose of a two-dose vaccine.

Shots administered to OFWs must also be part of the vaccines with emergency use authorization from the Philippine Food and Drug Administration or the World Health Organization.

Earlier, the Inter-Agency Task Force approved a shorter quarantine stay of seven days for fully vaccinated travelers. This included OFWs, who stayed in “green” countries which are classified as being low-risk for COVID-19. – Rappler.com

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Aika Rey

Aika Rey is a business reporter for Rappler. She covered the Senate of the Philippines before fully diving into numbers and companies. Got tips? Find her on Twitter at @reyaika or shoot her an email at aika.rey@rappler.com.