earthquakes in the Philippines

Magnitude 7.1 earthquake strikes off Davao Oriental

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Magnitude 7.1 earthquake strikes off Davao Oriental


(4th UPDATE) A seldom-used airport in Davao Oriental had minor cracks on the runway, but there was no damage to the passenger terminal building

A magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck near Davao Oriental early on Thursday morning, August 12.

The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) reported in a bulletin that the earthquake, which was tectonic in origin, struck at 1:46 am off the coast of Davao Oriental.

Phivolcs said that there was no tsunami threat but damage and aftershocks were expected.

Phivolcs earlier listed the earthquake as magnitude 7.3 at a depth of 69 kilometers, then revised its advisory to a magnitude 7.2 earthquake, which occurred at a depth of 50 kilometers. It later reverted to its original report of a magnitude 7.3 earthquake.

At 6:06 am, Phivolcs further revised its report to a magnitude 7.1 earthquake, at a depth of 39 kilometers.

Reported intensities

Intensity V – Governor Generoso, City of Mati, Baganga, and Lupon, Davao Oriental; City of Tagum, City of Panabo, Carmen, and Nabunturan, Davao del Norte; General Santos City; Alabel, and Malungon, Sarangani

Intensity IV – City of Davao; Kiblawan, Davao del Sur; City of Koronadal, Tampakan, Tupi, and Polomolok, South Cotabato; Glan, Malapatan, and Kiamba,Sarangani; Monkayo, Davao de Oro

Intensity III – Kabacan, Cotabato; Bayugan, Agusan del Sur

Intensity II – Cagayan de Oro City; Maasim, Sarangani; Arakan and Banisilan, Cotabato

Intensity I – Mambajao, Camiguin Island

Instrumental intensities

Intensity IV – General Santos City; Kiamba, Sarangani

Intensity III – San Francisco and Hinunangan, Southern Leyte; Abuyog Leyte; Kidapawan City

Intensity II – Saint Bernard, Southern Leyte; Dulag and Palo, Leyte; Surigao City

Intensity I – Alangalang and Carigara, Leyte

‘Nothing scary happened’

The Philippine national disaster agency had so far received no reports of casualties, injuries, or major damage, administrator Ricardo Jalad said.

“Looks like nothing scary happened, like a collapse of a building,” Jalad told reporters.

Airports, sea ports and key infrastructure were for the most part unaffected by the quake, while all personnel were accounted for, the transportation department said.

A seldom-used airport in southern Davao Oriental province had minor cracks on the runway, but there was no damage to the passenger terminal building, it said.

The US National Weather Service and Hawaii Emergency Management also said there was no risk of a tsunami for the US West Coast or Hawaii.

The Philippines is on the geologically active Pacific Ring of Fire and experiences frequent earthquakes. – with a report from Reuters/

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