2022 Philippine senatorial race

Ex-PNP chief Guillermo Eleazar to run for senator


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Senator Panfilo Lacson confirms that retired police general Guillermo Eleazar will be part of their Senate slate. He will substitute for Paolo Capino.

Former Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Guillermo Eleazar is running for the Senate.

Senator Panfilo Lacson confirmed this in a text message to reporters on Saturday, November 13.

“Yes, I confirm that he will run under Partido Reporma to substitute for Paolo Capino who has announced his intention to withdraw from the senatorial race yesterday,” Lacson said in response to reporters’ queries.

The presidential aspirant made the announcement a day after his running mate, Senate President Vicente Sotto III, said that they were trying to convince Eleazar to run for the Senate.

Eleazar recently retired from the police force after serving as police chief for only six months.

Eleazar is arguably one of the most charismatic and recognizable police chiefs in the Duterte government, second only to Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa.

While he is not a part of the so-called “Davao boys” of the police, Eleazar has made a name for himself for his inspections of police stations, which have led to climactic scenes caught on television, the papers and social medai.

Joining Lacson and Sotto would mean lending this popularity as the tandem also headlines their platforms with a renewed anti-illegal drugs campaign. – With a report from Rambo Talabong/Rappler.com

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