2022 Philippine Elections

‘Pink’ pocket rallies dominate Day 1 of campaign in several Mindanao areas

Grace Cantal-Albasin, Frencie Carreon, Antonio Manaytay, Rommel Rebollido, Froilan Gallardo

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‘Pink’ pocket rallies dominate Day 1 of campaign in several Mindanao areas

POCKET RALLY. A small group of supporters of Vice President Leni Robredo stage a rally in Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay.

Antonio Manaytay/Rappler

Although mostly small public gatherings, the pocket rallies dominate the political scenes in Bukidnon and Zamboanga Sibugay, and the cities of Cagayan de Oro, Zamboanga, General Santos, and Isabela in Basilan

BUKIDNON, Philippines – Pocket rallies were staged in several key areas in Mindanao on Tuesday, February 8, to launch the presidential campaign of Vice President Leni Robredo.

Although mostly small public gatherings, the pocket rallies dominated the political scenes in Bukidnon, Misamis Oriental, and Zamboanga Sibugay, and the cities of Cagayan de Oro, Zamboanga, General Santos, and Isabela in Basilan.

Supporters of Robredo and her running mate Senator Francis “Kiko” Pangilinan were up early for a caravan in Malaybalay and Valencia cities in Bukidnon.

Mavic Hilario, one of the organizers, said the caravan included 60 vehicles and 30 motorcycle riders from the outlying Malitbog town in Bukidnon and from Cagayan de Oro, who traveled to Malaybalay and Valencia. 

Thirty farmers from Sumilao town, whom Robredo helped in their struggle to own their lands about two decades ago, also joined the activity that signaled the start of the Robredo-Pangilinan campaign in the province.

The group opened the Leni-Kiko provincial headquarters in Malaybalay City, the capital of Bukidnon.

In Misamis Oriental, Cagayan de Oro Mayor Oscar Moreno led the opening salvo of the Robredo-Pangilinan tandem in his hometown of Balingasag ahead of political gatherings in two villages.

Moreno, who is seeking Misamis Oriental’s gubernatorial post – a position he held for nine years before his election as Cagayan de Oro mayor in 2013 – said his group was organizing over 100 rallies for the Robredo-Pangilinan tandem in the 23 towns and two component cities of the province. 

TOWN HALL. Cagayan de Oro Mayor Oscar Moreno leads local politicians in a town hall meeting to launch the presidential bid of Vice President Leni Robredo and vice presidential candidate Senator Francis Pangilinan in Misamis Oriental. Courtesy of BenCyrus Ellorin

With only pink party balloons and tarps, caravans launched the Robredo-Pangilinan campaign in Cagayan de Oro, Malaybalay, and Iligan cities in Northern Mindanao.

In Cagayan de Oro, the 50-vehicle caravan started in Igpit, Opol, winding down to their Leni-Kiko headquarters along JR Borja Extension in Cagayan de Oro.

There, they heard Mass and staged a noise barrage until noon.

Aside from the Robredo-Pangilinan group, only supporters of Senator Joel Villanueva staged a small motorcade of 10 vehicles in Cagayan de Oro City.

Volunteers for Robredo also did the same in Zamboanga City, gathering at the Leni-Kiko Volunteer Center parking area before proceeding to the Sacred Heart Chapel at the Ateneo de Zamboanga University (ADZU) for a mass.

The group, mostly wearing pink, then staged a motorcade from ADZU, snaking through Roseller T. Lim Boulevard, and passing city hall, Veterans Avenue, up to the Pasonanca Park. 

In Zamboanga Sibugay, a small group gathered for an ecumenical prayer in Ipil town for Robredo’s presidential bid before lighting a symbolic cauldron.

The ecumenical gathering was organized by the Robredo People’s Council (RPC), nuns, and lay leaders of the Catholic Diocese of Ipil.

They lit a symbolic cauldron, which RPC provincial coordinator Dr. Robert Ocureza said, represented hope and respect for life.

The Catholic volunteers also heard Mass officiated by Ipil Bishop Joy Tonel and staged a caravan for the Robredo-Pangilinan ticket around the capital of Zamboanga Sibugay.

In Isabela City, Basilan, a fluvial parade and a motorcade were organized to officially launch the Robredo-Pangilinan campaign in the province where key officials such as Representative Mujiv Hataman, Governor Jim Hataman, and Isabela City Mayor Sitti Djalia Turabin declared their support for the tandem.

But while the Robredo-Pangilinan pocket rallies dominated the first day of the start of the national campaign in several Mindanao areas, the group of presidential candidate and Senator Manny Pacquiao organized a much bigger rally and caravan in General Santos City and neighboring areas in Soccsksargen, considered as his political bailiwick.

VOLUNTEERS. Campaign workers and supporters stage a small rally at an open space near the Oval Plaza in General Santos City where the main stage is being prepared for the campaign rally of presidential candidate and Senator Manny Pacquiao later in the day. (Rommel Rebollido/Rappler)

The matriarch of General Santos’ oldest political family, former congresswoman Luwalhati Antonino, threw her support for the Robredo-Pangilinan ticket.

A morning motorcade of tricycles and cars festooned with the color of the Robredo-Pangilinan tandem preceded a rally near the Oval Plaza that was being prepared for the first official campaign rally of Pacquiao later in the day. –Rappler.com

Grace Albasin, Frencie Carreon, Antonio Manaytay, Rommel Rebollido, and Froilan Gallardo are Mindanao-based journalists and awardees of the Aries Rufo Journalism Fellowship.

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