2022 Philippine Elections

Results of raffle of 2022 party list slots now out

Dwight de Leon

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Results of raffle of 2022 party list slots now out

ELECTRIC RAFFLE. The Commission on Elections used a software to conduct a raffle which would determine the placement on the 2022 ballots of qualified party-list groups.

Screenshot from Comelec virtual session

(1st UPDATE) The list generated after the December 14 raffle is not yet final. Party-list groups which failed to acknowledge the results and sign the necessary forms will be placed last in the list, in alphabetical order.

More than a hundred party-list groups were assigned a number which would determine the order of their listing on the official ballots for the 2022 elections.

Their placement on the ballots of 166 party-list groups was a result of the electronic raffle conducted by the Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Tuesday, December 14.

Party-list groups Kamalayan, KM Ngayon Na, PSIS, Agap, and Kabayan secured the first five slots on the ballot.

Groups 1-Pacman, ABB-NFCPI, An Waray, AP Party-List, Akap Pinoy, and Buhay, meanwhile, received the last six slots.

Meanwhile, seven rejected party-list groups which secured a temporary restraining order (TRO) from the Supreme Court after the raffle was conducted were also included on the Comelec’s final listing of party-list groups published on December 29.

  • Alliance for Resilience, Sustainability and Empowerment (Arise)
  • Igorot Warriors
  • Ang Tinig ng Seniors
  • Lingkud Bayanihan Party (LBP)
  • Ipeaceepanaw (Mindanao Indigenous Peoples Conference for Peace and Development)
  • Apat-Dapat
  • Uma Ilonggo

The full list can be seen below:

The Comelec first raffled off party list slots for the 2013 elections so that party-list groups with names that started with “1” or “A” wouldn’t automatically appear on top of the list.

Unlike in past election years, representatives of party-list groups qualified to join the 2022 polls were allowed to witness the raffle only virtually in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. – Rappler.com

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Dwight de Leon

Dwight de Leon is a multimedia reporter who covers President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., the Malacañang, and the Commission on Elections for Rappler.