Philippine National Police

Fortun, who examined Jemboy Baltazar’s body, sounds alarm over visit from authorities

Jairo Bolledo

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Fortun, who examined Jemboy Baltazar’s body, sounds alarm over visit from authorities

FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST. Forensics expert Dr. Raquel Fortun, discusses post-mortem details to victims of extra judical killings during the government's war on drugs campaign, at the “Paglalahad ng Katotohanan” press conference in Sta. Cruz, Manila on April 12, 2022.

Angie de Silva/Rappler

(3RD UPDATE) The Navotas City police chief says they sent a letter to and visited Dr. Raquel Fortun because the prosecutors are asking for a copy of her report on the autopsy of the slain teenager

MANILA, Philippines – Forensic pathologist Dr. Raquel Fortun expressed concern after the police paid her a visit, following her examination of Jerhode Jemboy Baltazar, the 17-year-old teenager killed by cops in Navotas City.

In a post on X, formerly Twitter, Fortun said the Navotas police visited her to ask for her report on Baltazar’s autopsy: “Btw (By the way), dinalaw na ako sa (office) ng Navotas police for Jemboy’s autopsy, at Caloocan police for Kian’s bullet. Oo na you know where to find me. Just putting this out there for whatever protection this disclosure could offer.”

(By the way, the Navotas police already visited me for Jemboy’s autopsy, and the Caloocan police for Kian’s (delos Santos) bullet. I know you know where to find me. Just putting this out there for whatever protection this disclosure could offer.)

In another series of posts on Monday, August 14, Fortun said the police visited her on Friday, August 11, and on Monday, it was personnel of the prosecutor’s office who dropped by. The forensic pathologist also posted about the supposed harassment.

“Wasn’t it your job to investigate? Why harass me for my findings?” Fortun said. “The requesting party is the family. The report, when ready, goes to them.”

In a phone call with Rappler, Navotas City police chief Colonel Allan Umipig said that they sent a letter to and visited Fortun’s office because the prosecutors were asking for a copy of the results of Fortun’s examination. Umipig said the prosecutors asked for the results for the complaint filed against the six cops.

Umipig said their visit was in good faith: “In good faith po ‘yon. Wala pong malisya ‘yon (The visit was made in good faith. There was no malice in it).” The police chief added it was their job as investigators to follow up evidence needed for the probe.

After Baltazar was killed by cops in Barangay NBBS Kaunlaran, Navotas City, Fortun immediately conducted an examination on the teenagers’ remains. Fortun told Rappler she conducted the examination on August 5 – three days after Baltazar’s killing.

According to the forensic pathologist, Baltazar died due to “craniocerebral injuries due to perforating gunshot of the head, with asphyxia from drowning as contributory cause.” Fortun added that if the teenager “had not fallen into the water he could have survived” because “the brain injury was not immediately fatal.”

Before Baltazar, Fortun examined numerous remains of the victims of former president Rodrigo Duterte’s bloody drug war. Fortun also reexamined Delos Santos’ remains, and revealed that a bullet remained in the teenager’s body despite prior autopsies conducted by the police and the Public Attorney’s Office. (READ: ‘Autop-silip’: New findings cast doubt on Kian delos Santos’ earlier autopsies)

Meanwhile, on the concern that cops in civilian clothes were spotted in the teenager’s wake, Umipig said the cops were guarding the wake for the family’s protection. The police chief said the family agreed to assign cops in the wake. –

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Jairo Bolledo

Jairo Bolledo is a multimedia reporter at Rappler covering justice, police, and crime.