Henry Omaga-Diaz returns to TV Patrol


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Henry Omaga-Diaz returns to TV Patrol

From ABS-CBN Corporate Communications

The seasoned journalist returns as anchor alongside Noli de Castro and Bernadette Sembrano Aguinaldo starting Monday, October 5

Veteran journalist Henry Omaga-Diaz is returning as one of the anchors of ABS-CBN’s flagship newscast TV Patrol starting Monday, October 5.

Omaga-Diaz joins TV Patrol as co-anchor of Noli de Castro and Bernadette Sembrano Aguinaldo, announced ABS-CBN in a statement on Sunday, October 4.

Omaga-Diaz, whose journalism career spans 4 decades, served as anchor of TV Patrol from 2001 to 2003, then of TV Patrol Weekend from 2004 to 2006. He most recently anchored ABS-CBN’s late-night newscast Bandila.

TV Patrol has been around for more than 30 years. It is a newscast that is watched by Filipinos not only in the Philippines but also in other countries. To be able to come back is a huge honor for me because even with the current limitations, many people in social media still follow and believe in the program,” Omaga-Diaz said.

He added that he looks forward to working with De Castro and Aguinaldo, who he considers as pillars of the newscast. He noted that De Castro, a former Philippine vice president known by his nickname “Kabayan,” was also his mentor.

“I hope that I will be able to live up to the expectation of the people, the expectation of my mentor Kabayan and colleagues, and be able to deliver news and information truthfully to the Filipino people,” he continued. 

Omaga-Diaz replaces longtime anchor Ted Failon, who left ABS-CBN and last appeared on TV Patrol on August 31, following the non-renewal of the network’s legislative franchise by the House of Representatives in July. Failon transferred to rival network TV5.

Omaga-Diaz started as a radio reporter in ABS-CBN, then progressed as a TV reporter covering major events. He had also co-hosted investigative programs XXX and Krusada, and produced investigative reports for ABS-CBN newscasts. – Rappler.com

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