House of Representatives

House panel cites in contempt cold storage facility executive

Iya Gozum

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House panel cites in contempt cold storage facility executive
Eric Pabilona is a stockholder of firms related to the Philippine Vegetable Importers, Exporters and Vendors Association connected to ‘Sibuyas Queen’ Lilia ‘Leah’ Cruz

MANILA, Philippines – The House committee on agriculture and food cited Eric Pabilona of Tian Long Corporation in contempt on Wednesday, August 23, for refusing to abide by the summons of the lawmakers ordering him to attend hearings.

During the committee hearing on the alleged price manipulation of onions, lawmakers sounded fed up with Pabilona’s blatant disregard of their summons.

Sagip Representative Rodante Marcoleta said they have long been asking for cooperation with firms alleged to be in collusion with the cartel.

“Hanggang ngayon po ayaw niyang magpakita,” said Marcoleta, referring to Pabilona. “Sinabi na nga namin as early as three months ago makipag-cooperate kayo, tulungan ‘nyo kami. Eh ayaw niyang magpakita. This is an open defiance of the the authority of this committee.”

(Until now he still isn’t showing up. We’ve told them as early as three months ago to cooperate, to help us. He doesn’t want to show up.)

The panel moved to detain Pabilona for a period of 30 days.

Quezon 1st District Representative Mark Enverga said Pabilona has not “substantially complied” with the requirements asked for by the committee.

Pabilona is a stockholder at one of the biggest cold storage facilities in the country, Tian Long Corporation. He also has shares in Golden Shine International Freight Forwarders Corporation.

These firms are related to the Philippine Vegetable Importers, Exporters and Vendors Association (PhilVIEVA), connected to “Sibuyas Queen” Lilia “Leah” Cruz, according to a matrix that the House panel released last May.

In the matrix, the panel showed links of PhilVIEVA to cold storage facility, traders, and a trucking company– making Marikina 2nd District Representative Stella Quimbo conclude that PhilVIEVA has monopolized the whole onion supply chain.

The House panel continued to investigate in light of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s marching orders to conduct a probe on the existence of an alleged onion cartel that caused the skyrocketing of prices last year.

Meanwhile, the Department of Justice is currently investigating the links among officials of the Bureau of Customs, the Department of Agriculture, and persons involved in the cartel. –

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Iya Gozum

Iya Gozum covers the environment, agriculture, and science beats for Rappler.