class suspensions

#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Monday, October 16, 2023

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#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Monday, October 16, 2023
The following local government units in Luzon announced the suspension of face-to-face classes as a result of a looming transport strike

MANILA, Philippines – Due to a looming transport strike that’s scheduled to occur on Monday, October 16, the Presidential Communications Office announced the following local government units have canceled face-to-face classes on that day, with some extending the suspension to include October 17.

In all grade levels across public and private schools:

  • Pampanga (October 16 to 17)
  • Santa Rosa, Laguna
  • Lingayen, Pangasinan
  • Angeles City (October 16 to 17)
  • Cabuyao City
  • Marikina City
  • Caloocan City
  • Pasay City

The following LGUs have suspended classes in specific grade levels, meanwhile:

  • Dagupan, Pangasinan (Elementary to High School, for public schools)
  • BInmaley, Pangasinan (Preschool to Senior High School for public and private schools)

This list of face-to-face class suspensions follows after a number of schools announced they were shifting to online learning due to the transport strike. –

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