maritime accidents

PH Coast Guard probes boat sinking in Rizal

James Patrick Cruz

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PH Coast Guard probes boat sinking in Rizal

SEARCH AND RETRIEVAL. Teams from the Philippine Coast Guard and the Philippine Red Cross conduct search and rescue/retrieval operations near the area where a passenger boat capsized, at Barangay Kalinawan in Binangonan, Rizal on July 28, 2023.


(1st UPDATE) The Philippine Coast Guard says complaints will be filed against the boat captain and operator

MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said on Friday, July 28, that it is investigating the boat sinking incident in Binangonan, Rizal, which led to the deaths of at least 26 people.

PH Coast Guard probes boat sinking in Rizal

“We have called for an investigation already, including on our personnel,” PCG spokesperson Rear Admiral Armand Balilo said in an interview with CNN Philippines on Friday.

He added that complaints would be filed against the boat captain and operator of the motor boat Aya Express.

In a separate press briefing, PCG Commandant Admiral Artemio Abu said two of its personnel assigned to the place of the incident were dismissed to ensure a “fair, honest, and transparent investigation.”

According to the preliminary report, the Coast Guard allegedly permitted the motorized banca to sail since there was no tropical cyclone wind signal raised in the area.

On Thursday, July 27, the Aya Express was about 45 meters from land when it was hit by strong winds, causing all passengers to panic and move to one side, leading the vessel to capsize off the waters of Binangonan, the PCG said earlier.

Forty people survived the mishap, including the captain and boat engineer, who were taken into custody by authorities for investigation. 

The Coast Guard reported an overloading problem as the boat’s capacity was designed for only 42 passengers. The boat manifest also showed just 22 names, it said.

The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) suspended the safety certificate of the Aya Express. MARINA has also issued a show cause order to the boat owner.

The regulatory agency said it will immediately conduct an investigation after the search and rescue operation.

MARINA said the ship safety certificate suspension will only be lifted after a meticulous inspection of the vessel and a comprehensive evaluation. – With a report from Reuters/

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James Patrick Cruz

Patrick Cruz is a researcher and writer for Rappler’s governance cluster. Before transferring to Rappler's Research team, he covered local governments focusing on Metro Manila.