maritime accidents

PCG rescues 67 from half-submerged boat in Quezon province

James Patrick Cruz

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PCG rescues 67 from half-submerged boat in Quezon province

The Philippine Coast Guard rescues 67 people from a half-submerged boat near Barangay Macnit, Polillo, Quezon Province on August 3, 2023

Less than a week after the tragic Binangonan boat incident, another motorbanca submerges in Real, Quezon

MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) rescued 67 people from a half-submerged boat near Barangay Macnit, Polillo, Quezon Province on Thursday, August 3.

Around 10 am, PCG said Motorbanca Jovelle Express 3 departed Real town, Quezon province, PCG said.

It carried 60 passengers, seven crew members, and 15 styrofoam boxes of assorted fish, with a gross tonnage of 33.8.

PCG Northern Quezon said the boat departed the Real port under “good weather” with passengers equipped with life vests.

Around 1 pm, the Coast Guard Sub Station Patnanungan received a message from a passenger of the motorbanca, saying their boat was in trouble.

The boat was damaged at the front when accidentally hit a solid object, causing water to enter the motorbanca.

The passengers were brought to the barangay hall of Barangay Macnit in Polillo Island. The PCG said all passengers were in “good physical condition.”

No casualties or missing persons were reported by the PCG as of press time.

Last July 27, a motor boat also capsized in Laguna de Bay near the shore of Binangonan town, Rizal province, which took the lives of 27 people. –

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James Patrick Cruz

Patrick Cruz is a researcher and writer for Rappler’s governance cluster. Before transferring to Rappler's Research team, he covered local governments focusing on Metro Manila.