Marcos Jr. administration

Malacañang shortens work hours in gov’t offices on September 25 for Family Week

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Malacañang shortens work hours in gov’t offices on September 25 for Family Week

MALACANANG. The facade of Malacau00f1ang Palace from across Pasig River.

Official Gazette via Wikimedia Commons

Under Memorandum Circular 32, work in government offices under the Executive will be suspended from 3 pm onwards on September 25. Malacañang encourages other branches of government and the private sector to do the same.

MANILA, Philippines – Malacañang has issued Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 32 shortening working hours in government offices under the Executive branch on Monday, September 25, to mark the observance of Family Week.

Under MC 32, work at government offices under the Executive will be suspended from 3 pm onwards on Monday.

“The suspension of work in all branches of government, in independent commissions or bodies, and in the private sector is encouraged, so as to afford all Filipino families the full opportunity to celebrate the 31st National Family Week,” read MC 32 signed by Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin.

Malacañang said in a press statement that “agencies whose functions involve the delivery of basic and health services, preparedness, response to disasters and calamities, and the performance of other vital services shall continue their operations and render the necessary services.”

In issuing the memo, Malacañang cited Proclamation No. 60 (s.1991), which declared the last week of September of every year as Family Week, “and to give government workers and their families time to celebrate the Kainang Pamilya Mahalaga Day pursuant to Proclamation No. 326 (s. 2012).” –

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