Marcos suspends LTFRB chief Teofilo Guadiz, cites alleged corruption

Dwight de Leon

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Marcos suspends LTFRB chief Teofilo Guadiz, cites alleged corruption

SUSPENDED. LTFRB Chairman Teofilo Guadiz during a Senate hearing on the planned phaseout of traditional jeepneys in March 2023.

Angie de Silva/Rappler

(1st UPDATE) LTFRB Chairman Teofilo Guadiz III is accused of misconduct regarding the PUV modernization program

MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. relieved Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) Chairman Teofilo Guadiz III from his post due to “alleged corruption under his leadership.”

“The President does not tolerate any misconduct in his administration and has instructed the immediate investigation of this matter. He strongly condemns dishonesty and duplicity in public service,” the Presidential Communications Office (PCO) said in a statement on Monday night, October 9.

It was a quick turn for events for Guadiz who, just hours ago, was accused in a press conference by a former staff of misconduct regarding the public utility vehicle (PUV) modernization program.

Jeff Gallos Tumbado, former LTFRB information team head, claimed that the agency asked P5 million to process certain requests, such as franchise, special permit, or modification of route.

Before Marcos imposed the suspension order against Guadiz, the LTFRB under Guadiz’s leadership issued a statement insisting that it wass one with the public in going after corrupt actors within the agency.

“Like what we have done before, we will continue to maintain fair service among our stakeholders,” he had said.

Department of Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista also launched his own investigation, starting by issuing a ‘notice to explain’ to Guadiz.

“Will not hesitate to impose the stiffest sanction if the evidence so warrants,” he said. –

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Dwight de Leon

Dwight de Leon is a multimedia reporter who covers President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., the Malacañang, and the Commission on Elections for Rappler.