
Sorsogon mayor in anti-trafficking case sent to jail

Rhaydz B. Barcia

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Sorsogon mayor in anti-trafficking case sent to jail
Mayor Antonio Alindogan of Juban town in Sorsogon surrenders after learning of his arrest warrant

ALBAY, Philippines – A mayor of a town in Sorsogon province facing anti-trafficking charges was thrown into jail with no bail recommended Thursday, January 20, about four months left in his last term.

Judge Zach Zaragoza-Ziga of Family Court Fifth Judicial Region, Branch 12, Sorsogon City issued the warrant of arrest on Mayor Antonio Cama Alindogan, 63, of Juban town in Sorsogon province.

 Alindogan, a resident of Barangay Tughan in Juban voluntarily surrendered around Thursday noon at the municipal police station upon learning of the arrest warrant against him.

 Alindugan was charged with three counts of violating of the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003 (Sec. 4A in relation to Sec.6A and 6D of RA 9208 as amended by RA 10364).

 Alindogan has served nine years as mayor of Juban.

  His wife, Gloria is running to replace him as mayor under the Nationalist People’s Coalition (NPC).

   She will be facing against Maria Teresa “Tess” Fragata of the United Nationalist Alliance. –

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