Cotabato City

Grenade blast rocks home of former Comelec chairman Sheriff Abas in Cotabato

Ferdinandh Cabrera

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Grenade blast rocks home of former Comelec chairman Sheriff Abas in Cotabato
The family of former Comelec chairman Sheriff Abas offers P300,000 in exchange for information that would lead to the arrest of a suspect

COTABATO CITY, Philippines – Tensions gripped Cotabato City as authorities swiftly cordoned off the ancestral home of former Commission on Elections (Comelec) chairman Sheriff Abas where a grenade went off past 7 am on Tuesday, August 15.

Although the explosion left no casualties, it did manage to cause slight damage to a parked sports utility vehicle on Narra Street, Rosario Heights 3 in Cotabato City.

Police found a safety lever near the point of detonation, situated on the property’s lawn.

Abas, now based in Metro Manila, said he doubted being the direct target of the attack given that he was no longer serving in the Comelec.

During the time of the explosion, only Abas’ mother and several relatives were present within the confines of the house, while a sibling’s residence was within close proximity.

“The situation baffles us. I have yet to receive any form of threat,” Abas told Rappler.

His younger brother Zul Qarneyn Abas, deputy health minister of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, announced a reward of P300,000 in exchange for information that would lead to the arrest of a suspect.

The Abas residence remains under tight security as crime scene investigators scour the area for more clues.

The elder Abas served as Comelec chairman from 2018 to 2022. He holds the record as the youngest Comelec chairman at 39, and the first Muslim Filipino to hold the position. –

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