Davao City

Former town mayor shot dead in Davao City

Dennis Jay Santos, Ferdinand Zuasola

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Former town mayor shot dead in Davao City
The former mayor and his companions had just finished breakfast when they were attacked as they were leaving a parking area

DAVAO, Philippines – Unidentified gunmen shot and killed a former town mayor of Cateel, Davao Oriental province, in Davao City on Wednesday morning, November 22.

Captain Hazel Caballero Tuazon, spokesperson of the Davao City Police Office, identified the victim as Giselo Castillone of Barangay San Rafael, Cateel, Davao Oriental.

His driver, Junie Castro, was wounded.

Initial investigation revealed that the victims, including a female companion identified as Alma Lozentes, had just finished breakfast in Buhangin when they were attacked as they were leaving a parking area.

Police reported that a gunman used a .45 caliber pistol, firing four shots at the ex-mayor’s vehicle.

Tuazon said the assailant rode a waiting motorcycle and fled the crime scene with a lookout.

Responding policemen found Castillones’ blood-soaked body inside the car.

Castro, who sustained a gunshot wound, was rushed to a hospital.

In Davao Oriental, Governor Niño Sotero Uy said Castillones died at around 10:30 am.

“The police have yet to update me on their investigation of the case. I cannot say whether it is politically motivated or not, and I don’t have contacts with the victim’s family,” Uy told Rappler.

Uy said the victim was a relative of the late former Davao Oriental governor Corazon Malanyaon.

He also said Castillones’ son was elected as the barangay chairman of the village of San Rafael in their town and was reportedly eyeing the position of president of the town’s Liga ng mga Barangay.

Castillones, popularly known as “Elok,” was first elected as vice mayor in 1982. He served as mayor from 1983 to 1986 through automatic succession. – Rappler.com

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