
MILF members behind Basilan ambush, military confirms

Richard Falcatan

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MILF members behind Basilan ambush, military confirms

BURIAL.Soldiers, relatives, and friends of one of those who died in the weekend ambush in Basilan attend a Muslim burial on August 14.

Richard Falcatan/Rappler

Two MILF members surrender in Isabela City, and take responsibility for the August 12 ambush of soldiers in the town of Ungkaya Pukan

BASILAN, Philippines – Members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), the group now leading the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), were involved in the August 12 ambush that killed two Army soldiers and wounded seven others in Basilan province.

The military confirmed this on Tuesday, August 15, after two MILF members surrendered to authorities in Isabela City, and took responsibility for Saturday’s ambush of soldiers from the Army’s 64th Infantry Battalion in Barangay Ulitan, Ungkaya Pukan, Basilan. 

The military identified the surrenderers as 20-year-old Adzmin Manjapal and 27-year-old Mudzni Sapau of Barangay Ulitan, Ungkaya Pukan. 

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MILF to probe if members behind Basilan ambush

Authorities said the two were primarily responsible for the attack on 64th IB soldiers, members of the Joint Peace Security Team (JPST), and Ungkaya Pukan town Vice Mayor Ahmadin Barahim.

They surrendered and were brought to Brigadier General Alvin Luzon, commander of Joint Task Force Basilan, by MILF leaders Malik Cadil, Hadji Sammad Ahaddin, and Abdurahman Rajan.

The surrender came just as the government troops stepped up operations against members of the MILF’s 114th Base Command, particularly the group of one Huram Malangka in the village of Ulitan.

Luzon, however, downplayed the involvement of MILF members in the ambush even as he expressed optimism about the peace process

“While the surrender of the alleged MILF members as facilitated by members of MILF-CCCH (Coordinating Committee on the Cessation of Hostilities) manifested that the peace mechanisms are indeed working, we will pursue the investigation of the case for justice to take its due course,” Luzon said. 

The military said they have coordinated with the police to bring the suspects to justice. –

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