Misamis Occidental

Misamis Occidental governor survives bomb attack

Cong Corrales

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Misamis Occidental governor survives bomb attack

Misamis Occidental Governor Henry Oaminal Sr. attends the senate public inquiry into the alleged inhumane and irregular acts done by PNP officers and other individuals against Mayor Samson Dumanjug of Bonifacio, Misamis Occidental, on August 1, 2023.

Angie de Silva/Rappler

The attack comes as the governor's convoy is en route to Ozamiz City on a highway in Clarin town, Misamis Occidental

CAGAYAN DE ORO, Philippines – Misamis Occidental Governor Henry Oaminal cheated death during an ambush staged by a still unidentified group in the province on Sunday, October 15.

The ambush occurred as the governor’s convoy was en route to Ozamiz City on a highway in Clarin town at around 11 pm.

Police Regional Offic Region X (PRO-X) Spokesperson Joann Navarro told Rappler on Monday, October 16, that the convoy of Oaminal was waylaid with an explosion along a highway in Poblacion 2, Clarin, at 11:10 pm on Sunday.

“Fortunately, no one was injured after the roadside blast, but it did damage the two lead vehicles of the governor’s convoy,” Major Navarro said.

She said the police just finished conducting a clearing operation in the area.

“We are currently waiting for the [laboratory] results to determine what kind of explosive was used,” Navarro told Rappler.

In a video posted on Facebook hours later, Oaminal expressed gratitude that none of his companions in the convoy were hurt.

“I thank the Lord that no one was injured,” Oaminal said.

On December 22, 2021, Oaminal also narrowly escaped death when a sniper fired at a Christmas party of his political group, Team Asenso, in Tangub City.

A single gunshot rang out and a bullet hit his running mate, Michael Gutierrez, who was dancing behind Oaminal, then a congressman who was running for governor.

A video that went viral showed that Oaminal ducked just as the gunshot rang, hitting Gutierrez.

Oaminal was slightly wounded due to splinters, while Gutierrez succumbed to gunshot wounds to the head days later. – Rappler.com

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