LGUs in the Philippines

Niño Uy steps up as Davao Oriental’s new governor

Ferdinand Zuasola

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Niño Uy steps up as Davao Oriental’s new governor

GRIEF. Former president Rodrigo Duterte visits the wake of Davao Oriental Governor Corazon Malanyaon in Davao City on Friday, June 30.

Davao Oriental Provincial Information Office

Davao Oriental Vice Governor Niño Uy succeeds Governor Corazon Malanyaon who passed away in Davao City on June 28

DAVAO ORIENTAL, Philippines – Davao Oriental Vice Governor Niño Uy has taken over as the new political leader of the province, the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) announced on Friday, June 30.

Uy succeeded Governor Corazon Malanyaon who passed away on Wednesday, June 28.

DILG-Davao Oriental director Orly Cabaobao said provincial board member Nelson Dayanghirang Jr. also assumed as vice governor of the province, a seat vacated by Uy.

Uy was Malanyaon’s running mate in the 2022 elections.

Dayanghirang, meanwhile, is the son and namesake of former governor Nelson Dayanghirang. He secured the most number of votes in last year’s race for seats in the province’s legislature.

Malanyaon passed away a week after she fell on the ground during a Zumba session with Banaybanay town officials, held to commemorate the municipality’s anniversary.

Retired General Reuben Basiao, an adviser and friend of Malanyaon, said the late governor had suffered multiple strokes in 2022, but recuperated fast.

Malanyaon, who would have celebrated her 74th birthday this August, was a public accountant and lawyer. She was reelected as governor in 2022, having initially assumed the position in 2007. Prior to her governorship, she also served as a congresswoman for the province.

In a statement about the death of Malanyaon, the capitol said, “We recognize that the impact of this loss may affect us differently, and we urge everyone to display empathy and consideration toward each other as we mourn. Let us unite as a community and show our support and affection for one another. Let us hold Governor Corazon N. Malanyaon’s memory in our hearts. May we find comfort in our shared memories and in supporting each other during this time.” 

The remains of Malanyaon, who died in a Davao City hospital, would be taken back to Mati City  on July 2 for a two-day wake at the Davao Oriental provincial capitol. 

A three-day wake has also been scheduled starting on July 4 at the late governor’s hometown in Cateel.

She will be laid to rest at the Davao Memorial Park in Davao City on July 7.

Former president Rodrigo Duterte visited the wake of Malanyaon at the Cosmopolitan Memorial Chapels in Davao City on Friday.

Duterte and Malanyaon were political contemporaries in Davao City whose careers in politics started following the ouster of the late strongman Ferdinand E. Marcos in the 1980s.

Both were appointed by then-president Corazon Aquino in 1986 to key positions in the local government of Davao City.

After the 1986 EDSA Revolution, Malanyaon was appointed as a member of Davao City council while Duterte served as officer-in-charge/vice mayor of the city.

Other officials of the national government visited the wake of Malanyaon in Davao City such as Tourism Secretary Christina Garcia-Frasco and Senator Imee Marcos.

“We were together in Congress. I can’t believe it. I am so sad. Governor Malanyaon will be deeply missed in Davao Oriental and, of course, by us, her friends and family,” Senator Marcos said. – Rappler.com

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