New LTFRB-OIC appointed as corruption scandal rocks agency

Lance Spencer Yu

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New LTFRB-OIC appointed as corruption scandal rocks agency
The appointment of Mercy Paras Leynes will fill the position of Teofilo Guadiz III, the LTFRB chairperson who was suspended by President Marcos for ‘alleged corruption under his leadership’

MANILA, Philippines – After Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) chairperson Teofilo Guadiz III was suspended for allegations of corruption, LTFRB board member Mercy Paras Leynes was designated officer-in-charge chairperson of the agency.

In a memorandum and special order dated Tuesday, October 10, Department of Transportation (DOTr) Secretary Jaime Bautista announced Leynes’ appointment to the position, which will be in effect from October 10, 2023 until October 9, 2024.

“As such, she shall perform and discharge all functions and responsibilities of the office, unless otherwise earlier amended or superseded,” Bautista said in the special order.

This comes after President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. suspended Guadiz on Monday, October 9, citing “alleged corruption under his leadership.”

Guadiz is also currently under investigation by the DOTr for allegedly taking bribes. In a document obtained by Rappler, the DOTr gave Guadiz three days to explain “irregular activities” that he did as head of the agency, which included his alleged acceptance of several millions in bribes and “grease money.”  (READ: From LTFRB to Malacañang: Insider says Teofilo Guadiz at center of bribes)

The same document also included screenshots of alleged Viber messages to the LTFRB chairman in which a “client” offered P810,000 for Grab franchises. The screenshot then showed Guadiz responding: “Ayos!!! Dinner tayo this week. Usap tayo negosyo (Nice! Let’s have dinner this week. Let’s talk business).”

LTFRB’s ex-head of communications also alleged that the corruption and briberies extended all the way up to the DOTr and Malacañang Palace, with the agency’s regional offices even being assigned “quotas” of P2 million per month. Guadiz, he claimed, was only following “instructions from higher-ups.”

The whistleblower – who was also a former executive assistant of Guadiz – said that bribes could reach as much as P5 million for the speedy approval of special permits, franchises, and modifications of routes.

Minutes before being suspended by Marcos on Monday, Guadiz said that he was ready to face all allegations because he was clean.

As of this morning, nasa opisina naman ako, at wala pa po akong nalalaman na anumang opisyal na inihain laban po sa atin, pero kung mayroon man, haharapin naman po natin ito dahil malinis po ang ating kalooban,” Guadiz said in a statement on Monday.

(As of this morning, I was at the office, and I haven’t gotten any official complaint against us, but if there is any, we’re ready to face it because we’re clean.) –

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Lance Spencer Yu

Lance Spencer Yu is a multimedia reporter who covers the transportation, tourism, infrastructure, finance, agriculture, and corporate sectors, as well as macroeconomic issues.