education in the Philippines

Cavite’s smallest town launches new science high school

Dennis Abrina

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Cavite’s smallest town launches new science high school

Noveleta LGU inaugurates Science High School. - Local Government of Noveleta, Cavite inaugurated the 2-storey, 8 classroom Noveleta National Science High Science located at Barangay San Rafael III in preparation for School Year 2020-2021. The said school will start their maiden school on October 5, 2020 for Grade 7 and 8 with 280 students loaded with Free Tablets for each pupils. Photo by Dennis Abrina/Rappler

Dennis Abrina/Rappler

Noveleta National Science High School is the third science high school in Cavite

A new science high school in Noveleta, Cavite, is ready to accommodate students for distance learning this coming school year 2020-2021.

A total of 280 students will comprise the maiden class of Noveleta National Science High School. The first batch includes 178 Grade 7 students, and 102 Grade 8 students.

The local government recently provided the students with free tablets that they can use when classes start on October 5.

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“The best high school teachers here in Noveleta are selected to guide and mold the 3 sections of Grade 7 and two sections of Grade 8,” Norielyn Narciso, acting principal of the Noveleta National Science High School, said.

“They are ready to teach, equipped, and well-trained,” Narciso added.

Noveleta National Science High School is the third science high school in Cavite, after Tagaytay City National Science High School and the Cavite Science Integrated School in Maragondon, Cavite.

The school, located in Barangay San Rafael III, has a newly constructed two-story building with 8 classrooms.

Noveleta District School Superintendent Arnel Zapanta said the new science high school’s program includes math and science subjects, an information and communication technology subject, as well as an elective for advance learning and research.

Due to the persistent coronavirus pandemic, the Department of Education would be implementing a distance learning approach when classes start on October 5.

The Philippines’ opening of classes has already been delayed twice to allow schools, teachers, students, and parents to prepare for the demands of distance learning in the time of the pandemic. –

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