US to spend $66 million on new facilities at Philippine military bases


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US to spend $66 million on new facilities at Philippine military bases

JOINT MILITARY EXERCISES. South Korean navies participate in amphibious landing drills during a joint military exercise with Philippine and US navies at a naval station in Zambales province, Philippines, October 7, 2022.

Eloisa Lopez/Reuters

Construction of the projects in three of five Philippine sites outlined under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement will start next year, the Department of National Defense says

MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines on Tuesday, November 15, said defense ally the United States had agreed to spend $66.5 million to start building training and warehouse facilities at three of its military bases, under a 2014 joint security deal.

Construction of the projects in three of five Philippine sites outlined under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) will start next year, the Department of National Defense said in a statement.

“The department is committed to accelerate the implementation of the EDCA by concluding infrastructure enhancement and repair projects, developing new infrastructure projects at existing EDCA locations,” it said.

The Philippines has long been a staunch US ally and the EDCA is widely seen as important for both sides, worried by China’s increasingly assertive pursuit of its territorial claims in the South China Sea.

The two countries have a 70-year-old Mutual Defense Treaty and take part in dozens of joint training exercises each year, ranging from live fire and amphibious assaults to humanitarian missions and counter-terrorism drills.

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EDCA allows the United States to maintain a military presence in its former colony through rotation of ships and aircraft for humanitarian and maritime security operations.

On Monday, Philippine military chief Bartolome Bacarro said the United States had proposed including five more military bases in the EDCA, but that would be subject to approval by the defense and foreign ministries. – Rappler.com

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