2022 Philippine Elections

Valencia City sees traffic jams ahead of Zubiri-led rally in Bukidnon

Grace Cantal-Albasin

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Valencia City sees traffic jams ahead of Zubiri-led rally in Bukidnon

LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Bukidnon Governor Jose Ma. Zubiri

Bobby Lagsa/Rappler

Vehicular traffic builds up in Valencia City ahead of the campaign rally of Bukidnon Governor Jose Ma. Zubiri's group while their opponents opt to keep theirs simple

BUKIDNON, Philippines – Valencia City started seeing traffic jams hours ahead of the rally of the Zubiri-led Bukidnon Paglaum Party (BPP) at the start of the local campaign period on Friday, March 25.

Governor Jose Ma. Zubiri will lead the dominant party in the province in launching their campaign for local key positions at the Valencia City Oval Grounds on Friday afternoon.

Unable to seek reelection, Zubiri has set his eyes on his old congressional post in the province’s 3rd District, a position being held by his son Manuel who is running for governor.  

Lawyer Genaro Cadigal Jr., Valencia City administrator, said Senator Juan Miguel “Migz” Zubiri, another son of Bukidnon’s political kingpin, will be joining the BPP ticket during the caravan and proclamation rally.

Thousands are expected to flock to Valencia City, including BPP’s candidates from Bukidnon’s two cities and 20 towns. 

“We would like to inform the public of heavy traffic due to the motorcade and proclamation rally activities in the vicinity of the Oval Grounds, Sayre Highway along barangays Bagontaas, Poblacion and Lumbo. We advise the public to use the diversion road,” Cadigal posted on his Facebook account.

Governor Zubiri’s challenger in the 3rd District, broadcaster and provincial board member Arlyn Ayon, said her group, Bag-ong Bukidnon, has opted to launch their campaign by visiting the towns.

Bukidnon 4th District Representative Neil Roque, who is running for governor against Zubiri’s son Manuel, also started the campaign without much fanfare.

“We will just have it like any ordinary day. We’re going around municipalities. We just want it simpler,” Ayon said. 

Former Valencia mayor Leandro Catarata, an independent vice-gubernatorial candidate, went out to do a “man-to-man” campaign. 

“I am a lone ranger in most parts of Bukidnon except in the 1st District where I campaign with the group Anak sa Bukidnon together with Neric Acosta. I am visiting political allies aspiring for local posts, and local supporters to ask them to maximize their influence and convert this into votes that will count. I’m praying that this will work,” Catarata told Rappler.

Catarata’s rival is Clive Quiño, the mayor of Manolo Fortich town, who is seeking to replace his father, Vice-Governor Rogelio Quiño. The elder Quiño is running for mayor in Manolo Fortich. The Quiños are in the slate of Zubiri’s BPP.

In Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon, vice-presidential candidate Senator Francis “Kiko” Pangilinan arrived this morning to show his support for the congressional bid of his old ally, Nereus “Neric” Acosta. 

Pangilinan and Acosta, a former congressman and presidential adviser for environmental protection, met with farmers in the province’s 1st District. – Rappler.com

Grace Albasin is a Mindanao-based journalist and an awardee of the Aries Rufo Journalism Fellowship

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