Negros Occidental

Carpenter’s son soars as summa cum laude in Kabankalan City

Reymund Titong

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Carpenter’s son soars as summa cum laude in Kabankalan City

AWARDED. Rodmar Sumog-oy receives recognition as summa cum laude with a weighted average of 1.20, along with his mother during the graduation rites of Central Philippines State University-main campus on July 21, 2023.

Reymund Titong

Growing up in an underprivileged family is a struggle, but it did not stop Rodmar Sumog-oy from hurdling college with accolades

NEGROS OCCIDENTAL, Philippines – Like any other student achiever, Rodmar Sumog-oy faced struggles as he paved his way toward achieving his goals and aspirations in life.

Sometimes, at dusk, he would sob as he contemplated his life’s goals while gazing up at the ceiling of his room.

Grit and hope have been the companion of Rodmar along the way.

One of his greatest fears and the worry of not finishing his studies was living without adequate finances to continue his studies.

Rodmar is the fourth of five siblings and the son of Rodolfo Sumog-oy, a carpenter, and Ma. Fe G. Sumog-oy, residing in Barangay Saraet, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental.

Rodmar never asked too many things from his parents aside from love, care, and support for all of his endeavors.

His father, Rodolfo, never questioned his abilities and even backed him to achieve his goals in life.

On July 21, Rodmar graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Statistics degree from the Central Philippines State University-main campus in Kabankalan City, almost a hundred kilometers south of the provincial capital of Negros Occidental.

Growing up in an underprivileged family is a struggle, but it did not stop him from hurdling college with accolades.

Instead of seeing poverty as a problem, he turned it into one of his inspirations to keep going.

To boost his income and cover his education, he used to sell a variety of goods to his classmates, teachers, neighbors, and even his friends.

Teacher’s factor

Rodmar was not supposed to take statistics until his teacher in high school, who requested anonymity and was then pursuing her master’s degree, sought a favor to solve her research instrument.

Since Rodmar has been fascinated with numbers, even though he was not an expert in solving statistical data, he volunteered and was able to pull it off.

Rodmar was then like an empty bottle of water, waiting to be filled with knowledge.

The data in his teacher’s research tool was what initially inspired him to seek a career in statistics.

“Dahil kay ma’am, nagkaroon ako ng opportunidad na makapag-aral sa isang unibersidad, natuto akong maging matatag, nawala yung pasanin ni mama at papa,” Rodmar recalled.

(Because of my teacher, I was given the chance to attend a university where I could develop my strength and, most significantly, help my parents relieve some of their financial load)

Rodmar told Rappler that it was also the in-law of his teacher who assisted him financially and encouraged him not to be deceived by life’s tricks.

Near-perfect grade

Rodmar topped his class with a general weighted average of 1.20.

With this achievement, he recounted his days juggling freelance work with his school commitments and personal errands.

At dusk, Rodmar used to work as a tutor for the nephew of his high school teacher, and by morning, he would work on his school submissions.

“Working can provide me with financial independence, but it may not always cover all my expenses,” he said.

Aside from financial constraints, Rodmar has to deal with separation anxiety from his family.

“Living away from my family causes me to feel lonely and homesick, and it brings academic and social problems to me,” Rodmar told Rappler.

With that, he used his anxiety as a positive thing to continue working on his school assignments.

“I spend long hours studying, often neglecting my sleep and meals just to meet school deadlines,” Rodmar said.

Despite everything, he never stopped pursuing his studies as he believed that education can lead him to a better future.

The weighted grade of Rodmar speaks towards the things he sacrificed. He also places credit to his parents and his sponsor, who have been with him through thick and thin.

A helpful friend

Joshua F. Cala-or, one of Rodmar’s closest classmates, told Rappler that when they met each other when they were still freshmen, he described Rodmar as an understanding, helpful, and kind individual.

Joshua recalled his days with Rodmar when they used to help some undergraduate students of the university to solve and interpret their research data.

They viewed it as a chance to learn more about statistics while also being able to help their fellow students.

“With the permission of our teachers and guidance, we offered free service to students who were having a hard time interpreting their research data,” he said.

Joshua also graduated magna cum laude on July 21.

Hammer of hope

Rodmar never took his father’s profession as a carpenter lightly.

Every sound the hammer makes as it pounds the nails his father inserts was a sound of hope and goals of their family.

Rodmar is beyond grateful for having a strict father yet a responsible father.

“Even my father is a carpenter, I am not ashamed of showing it to the world because that is what feeds our family of seven, and I am very proud of him,” he said.

Rodmar also shared that he has a younger sister who needs special needs, and she’s one of his sources of inspiration.

Whatever life throws at them, Rodmar said that he never complained as long as he is with his ever-supportive close-knit clan.

“No storm can hinder me or my family either to stop from dreaming. As long as I can do things in life, I will do everything for my family,” Rodmar said.

Diligent student

Gerlie Villanueva, one of the Rodmar’s teachers, described him as a quick-witted, goal-oriented type of student.

“He can easily grasp instructions and can perform tasks independently. He is dependable, helpful, and a good friend,” she said.

When Rodmar was officially conferred as summa cum laude, tears welled in her eyes.

Gerlie also shared that only the Central Philippines State University and the University of the Philippines-Visayas offer statistics programs in Region VI.

“Statistician is one of the most in-demand professions, which provide meaning to thousands of data collected,” she told Rappler.

VALEDICTORY SPEECH. CPSU BS Statistics summa cum laude Rodmar Sumog-oy speaks during the 73rd commencement exercises on July 21, at Kabankalan City Cultural Sports Center. Photo by Reymund Titong

In the valedictory speech of Rodmar during the graduation rites, he told all the graduates and students to remain grounded and be a source of strength or inspiration to the people around them.

“Remember that our success is not only a personal victory but also a source of inspiration for others around us. Our hard work and determination could also motivate others in the community to pursue their educational dreams and reach for their aspirations,” he said.

“As we move forward, continue to embrace learning, stay curious, and be open to new experiences. Our college education is just the beginning of a lifelong journey of growth and self-discovery,” Rodmar added.

Whatever the plan of God for him, Rodmar told Rappler that he will always trust God’s sustaining grace.

Rodmar plans to take a master’s degree in statistics and might explore the world of teaching for him to share the knowledge he obtained in college along with the life lessons he experienced. –

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