Eastern Visayas

Eastern Visayas PNP probing some cops for alleged drug links

Jazmin Bonifacio

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Eastern Visayas PNP probing some cops for alleged drug links

RELIEF ORDERS. Philippine National Police (PNP) Region 8 chief, PBrigadier General Rommel Francisco Marbil, has relieved several cops of Catbalogan City, Samar, including the OIC chief and reassigned them to the regional office.

PNP Region 8

'The PNP is trying to clean the house and we want to send a message that nobody is immune,' says PNP Eastern Visayas

LEYTE, Philippines-  Some cops in Eastern Visayas are under investigation for alleged involvement in illegal drug trade.

PNP Eastern Visayas spokesperson Police Colonel Bella Rentuaya told Rappler on Thursday, January 26, that “the investigation on them is continuing and they are now assigned at the PNP Regional Office” in Palo, Leyte.

Rentuaya did not mention how many cops were under probe but said they have ranks below full colonel.

On January 19, Eastern Visayas police chief Brigadier General Rommel Francisco Marbil relieved Catbalogan City OIC police chief Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Cuntapay and six of his subordinates – Senior Master Sergeant Dennis Figueroa Padayao, senior staff sergeants Hermar Abotog, and Macario Rosal Fulgencio Jr., and corporals Harrison Duranggo Cinco, Steven Michael Tamayo Dadulla, and Igie Boy Saldino Rabuya.

Marbil reassigned all seven cops to the regional office in Palo, Leyte, and appointed Leyte Provincial police intelligence unit chief Lieutenant Colonel Dinvir Revita to replace Cuntapay.  

“I don’t have any personal knowledge or information why they were relieved,  but since there was an order from the PNP Director, it’s valid and legal,” Rentuaya told Rappler. 

Rappler is trying to reach Cuntapay and will update with new developments as soon as he responds.

HOUSE CLEANING. PNP Eastern Visayas spokesperson Police Colonel Bella Rentuaya says there is an ongoing probe into some cops’s alleged links to the illegal drug trade. PNP Region 8

The Eastern Visayas police spokesperson said the office frequently rotates cops to prevent corruption.

“Usually narerelieve ang isang police ‘pag lampas na ito sa time niya sa post (cop are relieved if they overstays in a post), or if you are involved in something. So that you won’t have the power to maneuver, you are relieved while the investigation is underway,” she said in a mix of English and Filipino.

“Every day, we closely monitor our personnel,” Rentuaya added. “The PNP is trying to clean the house and we want to send a message that nobody is immune.”

Twenty-one key PNP Easter Visayas officials, including two brigadier generals and 19 colonels, have followed the January 4 directive of Interior Secretary Benhur Abalos to submit their courtesy resignation

Abalos’ order is part of efforts to purge the PNP of cops with drug links.

Marbil led the submission of courtesy resignation letters on January 5 and signed an affidavit disavowing any involvement in any illegal or criminal activity, or receiving bribes from anyone involved in illegal drugs. – Rappler.com

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