Boracay Island

Malay town allows sandcastle builders to resume Boracay beach tradition

Jun Aguirre

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Malay town allows sandcastle builders to resume Boracay beach tradition

SANDCASTLE. A man takes a photo of a sandcastle on a beach in Boracay.

Jun Aguirre/Rappler

Boracay's picture-perfect sandcastles begin to mushroom again, but the town government has set some rules

AKLAN, Philippines – The local government of Malay, Aklan, has revived one of the tourism attractions and tradition along the beaches of Boracay: sandcastle making.

Boracay’s sandcastle builders earn fees from tourists who take photos with the picture-perfect sandcastles.

In 2018, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) was closed to tourists for rehabilitation on orders of then-president Rodrigo Duterte. The DENR also stopped sandcastle making because their makers used kerosene to light the sandcastles at night.

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The sandcastles started to mushroom again on Sunday, September 17, in time for the town’s celebration of National Tourism Month.

Demple Pagsuguiron, president of the Boracay Sandcastle Makers’ Association, said the group welcomed the town government’s move as it would increase its members’ incomes.

Many of the group’s members are involved in small-time trading, fishing, and construction.

“We are happy that we have been given the chance to show our craft again,” she said.

Cyrene Lubigan, a tourist from Laguna, said the sandcastles showcased the artistic and craftsmanship of many Boracay residents and allowed them to earn more.

DENR-Western Visayas Director Livino Duran told Rappler that the sandcastle operation’s revival had been allowed on the condition that they followed environmental standards.

In August, Malay Mayor Floribar Bautista met with DENR officials to discuss the sandcastle making revival and the measures provided by Municipal Ordinance No. 505 authored by Councilor Dante Pagsuguiron.

The ordinance provides the following rules:

  • Sandcastle builders are required to wear their identification cards.
  • Smoking and drinking are not allowed.
  • The activities of sandcastle builders are allowed from 10 am to 10 pm, except during special events.
  • Sandcastle makers must observe proper grooming and should be respectable and courteous to the tourists.
  • The use of kerosene gas lamps, candles, and other flammable materials to light the sandcastles is prohibited. The use of solar lights is allowed.
  • The use of chemicals, cement, or any other binding equipment is not allowed.
  • Any tourists who request to use the sandcastles for pictures will only be asked to pay P20 to P50 each. However, if a tourist or a group requests a customized design, they may be charged from P1,000 to P3,000. Children below 10 years old are exempted from paying.
  • Sandcastle builders who are residents of Barangay Yapak, Boracay, are allowed to have their sandcastles only at their beach.
  • Builders must flatten their sandcastles and should clean up their surroundings before they leave.
  • The sand must not be moved to other places.
  • A maximum of six sandcastle builders are only allowed to operate in a given area.
  • Minors are not allowed to become members of the sandcastle builders’ group.

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