
Mayor orders strict implementation of curfew for minors in Kalibo, Aklan

Jun Aguirre

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Mayor orders strict implementation of curfew for minors in Kalibo, Aklan

KALIBO SITUATION. A suspect in the indiscriminate shooting of sling arrow in Kalibo surrenders to Kalibo Mayor Juris Bautista-Sucro.

Photo courtesy of LGU-Kalibo

The town of Kalibo recently witnessed separate sling bow attacks on a tricycle driver and a teenage boy. The arrested suspect says his group just decided to attack the victims after they failed to find their real targets.

AKLAN, Philippines – The municipal government of Kalibo, Aklan, has ordered the “strict implementation” of the curfew for minors beginning Wednesday, May 9, citing the “alarming increase” in crimes mostly involving minors.

Kalibo Mayor Juris Sucro announced on Wednesday that the curfew would be from 10 pm until 4 am the following day.

Executive Order 44 cited police records that “show the alarming increase in the statistics in the crime against property and person committed between the hours of 10 pm to 4 am wherein the perpetrators are mostly minors.”

Under the directive, night-time school-related activities will be “limited to 9:30 pm…unless the whole activity shall last until the following day and the venue is confined inside the campus.”

“But in all cases, the school administrator shall file a notification to the police authorities copy furnished the municipal mayor and the punong barangay where the school is situated, of their intention to conduct such activities.”

Curfew hours will not apply if the minor is accompanied by a parent or guardian but if authorities have a “well-founded belief” that the latter is not who they claim to be, police can question them to verify their relationship with the minor.

The mayor issued the order after recent separate incidents of sling bow attacks on two people – a tricycle driver was hit in the neck while waiting for a passenger, while a teenage boy was hit on the leg while he was buying food.

The suspect, 22-year-old Gio Cuales, was arrested by Kalibo police on Wednesday.

In a press interview with Cuales at the Kalibo Barangay Hall, he admitted that he was responsible for the attacks and that the tricycle driver and the teenager were not their real targets.

“The group of Cuales was disappointed upon not seeing their target causing them to indiscriminately fire their slingshots,” said Kalibo police chief Lieutenant Colonel Ricky Bontogon. – Rappler.com

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