La Mesa Dam stops overflowing, Ipo Dam gate closed

Reynaldo Santos Jr

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As of 6 am, La Mesa Dam in QC has stopped overflowing, while the gate of Ipo Dam in Bulacan was already closed

Photo from Twitter by @trish_roque

MANILA, Philippines – Weather bureau Pagasa said that the La Mesa Dam has stopped spilling excess water as weather improved Friday, August 10.

Based on the latest update of Pagasa as of 8 am, the water level of the dam in Quezon City is already at 80 meters. Normal high water level in La Mesa Dam is at 80.15 meters.

La Mesa Dam has been overflowing since the non-stop rain in Luzon and Visayas started on Tuesday, August 7.

Pagasa also reported that the gate of Ipo Dam in Bulacan was already closed at 4:15 am. Water level in this dam is now at 100.97 meters. Normal high water level is at 100.80 meters

Ipo Dam opened 2 gates on Tuesday to remove excess water, and closed one on Wednesday.

Ambuklao, Binga, and San Roque Dams each has only one gate open as of 8 am Friday.

Water level in other dams are as follows:

  • Angat Dam: 212.91 meters (NHWL: 210 meters)
  • Ambuklao Dam: 751.73 meters (NHWL: 752 meters, 1 gate open at 0.3 meter)
  • Binga Dam: 573.85 meters (NHWL: 575 meters, 1 gate open at 0.3 meter)
  • San Roque Dam: 280.35 meters (NHWL: 280 meters, 1 gate open at 0.5 meters)
  • Pantabangan Dam: 208.91 meters (NHWL: 221 meters)
  • Magat Dam: 191.65 meters (NHWL: 190 meters)
  • Caliraya Dam: 286.35 meters (NHWL: 288 meters)

While all rainfall warning signals have been lifted since 12 noon of August 9, Thursday, the effects of the southwest monsoon will still be felt across Northern and Central Luzon.

Pagasa reported in its 5 am update that Northern and Central Luzon will experience mostly cloudy skies with scattered rainshowers and thunderstorms. The rest of the country is expected to be partly cloudy to cloudy with isolated rainshowers or thunderstorms. –

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