Northeast monsoon affects Northern Luzon

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Expect light rains or isolated showers due to a Northeast Monsoon affecting Northern Luzon

MANILA, Philippines -Expect a little rain today as a Northeast Monsoon is affecting Northern Luzon, causing cloudy skies and light rains in certain areas.

State weather service PAGASA reports that due to the Northeast Monsoon, Ilocos, Cordillera, and Cagayan Valley will experience partly cloudy to cloudy skies with light rains.  The rest of the country, including Metro Manila, should expect some partly cloudy to cloudy skies as well, with isolated rainshowers or thunderstorms.

For those heading out to sea, moderate to strong winds blowing east to northeast will be in effect over Luzon and Eastern Visayas, with coastal waters along those areas being moderate to rough as a result. Expect slight to moderate seas elsewhere as light to moderate winds come in from the northeast to east. 

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