PAGASA forecasts

Brace for warmer days as Philippines’ hot dry season begins

Acor Arceo

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Brace for warmer days as Philippines’ hot dry season begins

'SUMMER' SWIM. Filipino children take a dip at the Baseco Beach in Manila to beat the scorching heat.


PAGASA advises the public to 'minimize heat stress and optimize the daily use of water' during the period often called 'summer'

MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines’ hot dry season, colloquially referred to as “summer,” is underway.

The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) announced on Wednesday, March 16, that the northeast monsoon or amihan season is over, signaling the start of warmer conditions.

The amihan season refers to the country’s cool dry season, usually from December to February, while the hot dry season is typically from March to May.

“The public is advised to take precautionary measures to minimize heat stress and optimize the daily use of water for personal and domestic consumption,” PAGASA said in a statement.

The weather bureau is also releasing daily heat index records from March to May.

The heat index refers to what people “perceive or feel as the temperature affecting their body.” It is computed by taking the actual air temperature combined with the relative humidity in an area.

So far, the highest computed heat index for 2022 is the 51°C in Dagupan City, Pangasinan, recorded on March 6.

While the weather will be generally dry, there could still be periods of rain, “influenced mostly by easterlies and localized thunderstorms.” The easterlies are warm winds coming from the Pacific Ocean.

PAGASA expects either zero or one tropical cyclone per month for March, April, and May. There have been no tropical cyclones yet in 2022.

The Philippines technically does not have “summer” as it only has two seasons: rainy and dry. –

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Acor Arceo

Acor Arceo is the head of copy and editorial standards at Rappler. Trained in both online and TV newsrooms, Acor ensures consistency in editorial standards across all sections and also supervises Rappler’s coverage of disasters.