17 workers at Masinloc Power Plant test positive for COVID-19

Randy V. Datu

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17 workers at Masinloc Power Plant test positive  for COVID-19
The Bani National High School in Masinloc town is converted into an isolation facility for the plant workers

Seventeen workers of a power plant in Masinloc town of this province have been infected with the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), which broke out after one of them was first exposed to the virus.

Mayor Senyang Lim ordered an extensive contact tracing involving the virus-stricken workers of Masinloc Power Partner Limited.

As this developed, the Bani National High School in Masinloc has been converted into an isolation area for the plant workers who were swabbed for COVID-19 and awaiting the results of their repeat tests.

Lim said those who already tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 were admitted to the President Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Hospital (PRMMH) in the provincial capitol of Iba town. The Department of Health designated the PRRMMH as a medical facility in the province exclusively for COVID-19 patients. –

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