Philippines-China relations

Xi tells ex-Philippine president Duterte to promote ties with China


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Xi tells ex-Philippine president Duterte to promote ties with China
(1st UPDATE) The former Philippine president visits the Chinese leader a day before the expected release of the International Criminal Court decision on the Philippine government’s appeal seeking to stop the investigation into the drug war killings

BEIJING, China – China’s President Xi Jinping told former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte to continue to promote cooperation between the two countries, after bilateral relations cooled with Duterte’s successor seeking closer ties with Washington.

Ferdinand Marcos Jr. was elected as president for a six-year term in 2022, taking over from Duterte who had adopted a more pro-China stance.

“I hope you will continue to play an important role in the friendly cooperation (between China and the Philippines),” state media cited Xi as saying during a meeting at the Diaoyutai state guest-house in Beijing on Monday, July 17.

Under Marcos, relations between China and the Philippines have grown tense, with Manila pivoting back to its traditional ally, the United States.

The Philippines and the US reaffirmed a decades-old security alliance during a trip by Marcos to the US in May, where he met with President Joe Biden, who said the US commitment to defending its ally was “ironclad.”

Washington has pledged to defend the Philippines, which allowed the US access to four additional military bases this year, angering Beijing.

Marcos also said granting US access to the bases was a defensive step that would be “useful” if China attacked democratically governed Taiwan, which China claims as part of its territory. (READ: Manila in the middle: Marcos navigates ‘upside’ in PH-US relations)

China has always insisted on being friendly with its neighbors, which it sees as its partners, Xi said, without commenting on the state of current bilateral ties.

“During your tenure as president of the Philippines, you had resolutely made the strategic choice to improve relations with China in an attitude of being responsible to the people and to history,” Xi told Duterte.

Last month, Duterte told domestic media that the Philippines could become a “graveyard” if it gets caught up in US-China tensions. –

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