Fact checks about celebrities

FACT CHECK: Kuya Kim is still alive 


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FACT CHECK: Kuya Kim is still alive 
Television host Kim Atienza says posts about his death are a hoax

Claim: Television host Kim Atienza, popularly known as Kuya Kim, died on Monday, June 3, 2024. 

Rating: False

Why we fact-checked this: The TikTok video bearing the claim has gained 1,615 likes, 697 favorites, and over 208,300 views, as of writing. 

Hanggang sa muli Kuya Kim #viral #fyp #sad #death,” the caption reads. 

The post includes a black-and-white photo of Atienza, the GMA Integrated News logo, and a message expressing gratitude to Atienza. The visual design of the post resembles the social media cards used by GMA News to announce someone’s passing.

Clothing, Hat, Adult

The Facts: Atienza refuted these claims, stating that the posts about his death were a hoax.

Aabot din tayo diyan, but not today,” Atienza said in a Facebook post on Monday, June 3.  (We will get there, but not today.)

The next day, June 4, Atienza even appeared in the GMA news program 24 Oras to host his segment “Kuya Kim, Ano Na?”


Fake account: The false claim was made by the TikTok account “gmanewsbalita_156.” This is not an official account of GMA News. The news outlet’s official account on TikTok has three million followers and 103.8 million likes.

Debunked: In 2020, Rappler also fact-checked some posts claiming that Atienza was in critical condition after supposedly being shot by robbers in his home. – James Patrick Cruz/Rappler.com

Keep us aware of suspicious Facebook pages, groups, accounts, websites, articles, or photos in your network by contacting us at factcheck@rappler.com. Let us battle disinformation one Fact Check at a time.  

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