health-related fact checks

Marburg virus cannot be activated thru 5G

Lorenz Pasion,

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Marburg virus cannot be activated thru 5G
There are no studies and scientific evidence that suggest that the Marburg virus can be activated by 5G

Claim: Marburg virus carried by COVID-19 vaccines can be activated thru 5G.

Rating: FALSE

Why we fact-checked this: The post was spotted via Claim Check.

What science says: There are no studies and scientific evidence that suggest that the Marburg virus can be activated by 5G. 

What is the Marburg virus? The World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC) said that the Marburg virus is an animal-borne RNA virus of the Filovirus family – the same family as the six known species of the Ebola virus. 

The US CDC said that the Marburg virus has a case fatality rate between 23-90% and its clinical diagnosis is difficult due to its signs and symptoms that are similar to other diseases. 

5G out of the picture: There is no evidence that nano router technology, which could receive 5G, is present in COVID-19 vaccines. Ingredients of COVID-19 vaccines are publicly accessible in health agencies like the US CDC.

  • Also, nano router technology that could receive 5G is too big to fit in the needles used in COVID-19 vaccines, a CNBC article explained.

Previously debunked: A similar claim about 5G has been debunked by Reuters, Logically, and The Paradise. – Lorenz Pasion/

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Lorenz Pasion


Lorenz Pasion

Lorenz Pasion is a researcher at Rappler and a member of its fact-check team that debunks false claims that spread on social media.