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FACT CHECK: Osteoarthritis ‘cure’ not promoted by health TV show


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FACT CHECK: Osteoarthritis ‘cure’ not promoted by health TV show
The misleading video advertising Grandsure Gold Nutrient Dense Drink uses footage from a 2019 episode on arthritis

Claim: Grandsure Gold Nutrient Dense Drink, which claims to “permanently cure” bone and joint diseases, was promoted in the health program Salamat Dok.

Rating: FALSE

Why we fact-checked this: The Facebook ad bearing the claim, posted on April 22, currently has 176,000 views, 357 reactions, and 193 shares and continues to gain new comments.

The ad begins with a video clip from an episode of Salamat Dok, featuring Dr. Charles Cabuquit and Dr. Cory Cabuquit of Cardia Olympia Recovery Clinic discussing potential remedies for osteoarthritis. Another clip then promotes the product as “the world’s best colostrum nutrition therapy suitable for all conditions of osteoarthritis patients.”

The bottom line: The Salamat Dok program does not endorse the product. The misleading ad uses a clip from an episode uploaded on the ABS-CBN News YouTube channel in November 2019 to imply endorsement of Grandsure Gold.

In the interview, the doctors discuss athletes’ risk of early osteoarthritis and the causes, symptoms, and treatments for arthritis. At the point where Dr. Cory Cabuquit mentions the need for patients to take medicine, the misleading Facebook video then switches to a different clip advertising Grandsure Gold. However, neither doctor mentions GrandSure Gold in the original video of the interview.


FDA verification: According to the Philippine Food and Drug Administration (FDA), GrandSure Gold is registered as an “adult nutritional supplement milk powder drink mix” under food products. 

The FDA previously issued a public warning about GrandSure Gold in March 2022, prohibiting its purchase and consumption. A later public notice issued in January 2024 lifted the advisory on GrandSure Gold following the product’s registration in October 2023.

No permanent cure: According to health experts, there is no permanent cure for arthritis or to completely eliminate the joint pain associated with it. However, there are treatment options available to ease pain, stiffness, and swelling of joints, such as taking medication and undertaking lifestyle changes to manage symptoms. 

Debunked: Rappler and VERA Files had already fact-checked claims related to the product.

Rappler has also published multiple fact-checks about dubious health products advertised online:

– Kyle Marcelino/Rappler.com

Kyle Marcelino is a graduate of Rappler’s fact-checking mentorship program. This fact check was reviewed by a member of Rappler’s research team and a senior editor. Learn more about Rappler’s fact-checking mentorship program here.

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