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FALSE: Trump ‘slams Netherlands for harboring Joma Sison’

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FALSE: Trump ‘slams Netherlands for harboring Joma Sison’
The source of the information is a satirical website


Claim: US President Donald Trump “slams” the Netherlands for “harboring terrorist leader Jose Maria Sison,” according to a photo posted by Facebook page Thinking Minds on December 13, 2019.

The graphic included a photo of Trump and Sison, along with a quote attributed to the US president: “You, Mr. Sison, is still fighting for nothing. You should go home to the Philippines and face your crimes before you die.”

As of writing, the post got 914 shares, 192 comments, and over 3,400 reactions. It was flagged by Claim Check, Facebook’s tool that identifies potentially dubious posts spread across the platform.

Rating: FALSE

The facts: Trump never said the words attributed to him in the photo, because these were only originally published on a satirical website. Thinking Minds did not cite the source and made it appear like the information is real. posted the original article titled, “Trump Slams The Netherlands for Harboring Terrorist Leader Joma Sison, Wants ICC Transferred to UN Headquarters in New York.” The date of publication is not indicated in the article.

The website also categorized the article under “news and satire.” The page also has “Satire and Humor blog” in its header. – Pauline Macaraeg/

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